Cromwell Creative

Golf Plaques("May the Course be with you.")
Left 8 1/2" x 11 1/2" .  Right 7 1/2"  x 9 1/2"

Made of wood and feature a felt back, real club head (specify wood or iron) ball and tee.   May be wall hung or used as a paperweight.  My friend Ed improved his golf game by ten strokes after he hung his "May The Course Be With You" plaque in his office.  If he had put up an iron and a wood, he could have shot a hole in one!

Her name is "Big Cow".  Measuring approximately 4' x 8', she has been outside for six years waiting to get into the barn.  Some of our classy customers buy two, bracket them together and use them to hide their garbage cans on collection day.  MOOOOve on over to Nana's Attic and get a your own herd.   $125.00 each (new or weathered). The wisdom of Tutilius Weird:  "Never kick cow chips on a warm day."

Sitting Ducks. 15”h x 3”w x 1” Thick.
$45 per pair.
 Basted in blue, white and beak orange.  Tastefully carved with antique orange patina  finish.  Use them on your kitchen window sill to indicate your  intentions for the night.  Facing each other means  you are on.  Back to back means she has a headache.


 The craft items shown here are available only at Nana’s Attic.

 We are in the process of creating a new craft line for internet sales.

Black Folk Art Tap Dancer
2 1/2" X 12" approx.

Wood with metal arms and jointed wooden legs.   Really Tap Dances  (Handle in back not shown in photo).

Black Folk Art Boxes
  $15 (for sizes shown) to $35 (larger boxes)

We   took  our “You Are The Star”  boxes and put images of black folk art
(taken from old minstrel programs) on them to create  this line of new collectibles.
Each  one-of- a- kind  box is signed in gold by Tutilius.  Collect the whole set
of 1000.


Ragtime Man 9"h x 5"w 3 1/2"Deep.  Images  of Ragtime Man on both sides.  The
     $20    cloud shape sign being pushed by the fingers reads:   "Please Take A Card".

Watch  your business cards get picked up fast as soon as you  make them available on
a Cromwell Creative Business Card Holder.   Your customers will love you.  Sales will
skyrocket.  The economic growth cycle will continue.  And  you  can  take pride
in knowing that it was your purchase of  a  Cromwell Creative Business Card Holder that
helped  keep the Dow Jones Index moving upward and onward to new heights.  Or maybe not.

Coming soon:             Prissy Pierre                                 Vintage ?

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